THINGS You Should Not Include On Résumé

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When it comes to making a job application, it usually starts with a résumé. It is a way to show what your qualifications and achievements are from previous workplaces if any. In addition, hiring managers sort them out for their conveniences or filter out unwanted ones. Therefore it is very vital to keep several things in mind when writing résumés.

Here’s the things that one needs to not include on their résumés :

1. Refrain from putting an objective on résumé.
2. Do not disclose your relationship status.
3. Don’t jot down hobbies.
4. Just try to write what you know and possess. Never give anything false.
5. Never mention age if not asked for as it could be a hindrance to getting job.
6. Try to be brief in writing it.
7. Keep your references separate.
8. Maintain consistent formatting in writing it.
9. Do not write résumé in the third or first person as everything on it is definitely about yourself. Rather just provide simple statements.
10. Refrain from using the present tense to talk about a past job.
11. Put a working email address.
12. Refrain from writing phone or e-mail before phone number or e-mail address.
13. Do not use headers, footers, tables, images, or charts.
14. Social media accounts or handles that are irrelevant with the desired position should be excluded.
15. Refrain from mentioning experiences that are of more than 15 years past.
16. Do not put expected salary figure if not asked for.
17. Apply updated font plus avoid using fonts that are hard to read.

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18. Try not to use buzzwords.
19. Don’t disclose the reasons behind leaving previous job if not asked for.
20. Don’t mention CGPA.
21. Avoid including an explanation on why you need the job.
22. Do not attach photos if not asked for.
23. Just put factual information on yourself and experiences, not opinions.
24. Don’t include short-term employment experiences.
25. Exclude the list of your daily tasks.
26. Avoid using cartoon images like caricatures etc.
27. Employ black text and white background. No color please.
28. keep it slim and smart.

ATTENTION : If you really like this article then please share with friends and fellows on social media platforms. Everyone wants to be landed their dream job but for that all needs to be careful when posting résumés.

This post was published on January 12, 2020 11:39 pm

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