HBH Nursing Institute, a proposed model nursing institute to be built in Dhaka city, has issued vacancy notice for a good number of positions. The personnel will be recruited provisionally at the initial stage.
The positions to be filled up are as follows : Principal with qualifications of BSc in Nursing Tech & MSc in related subject and 7 yrs experience, Head of the Dept. with MSc in related subject & 5 yrs relevant experience, Teacher/Part time Teacher with BSc in Nursing & 3 yrs experience, Assistant Professor (Gynecology, full or part time) with MBBS, FCPS & 3 yrs experience, Assistant Professor (Surgery, full or part time) with MBBS, FCPS (surgery) & 3 yrs experience, Lecturer (Anatomy, full or part time) with MBBS & 2 yrs experience.
Lecturer (Pathology, full or part time) with MBBS & 2 yrs experience, Lecturer (Physiology, full or part time) with MBBS & 2 yrs experience, Lecturer (English, full or part time) with MA in English & 3 yrs experience, Lecturer (Computer Science, full or part time) with BSc in relevant discipline & 2 yrs experience, Instructor (full or part time) with Diploma in Nursing & 4 yrs teaching experience, Instructor (full or part time) with Diploma in Medical Technology (SMF) & 4 yrs teaching experience, Administrative Officer with BBA, MBA/Honors & 3 yrs experience, Librarian with Masters in Management BSc Honors/ MSc with Diploma in Library Science & 3 yrs experience.
Accounts Officer with BBA in Accounting or M.com in Accounting & 3 yrs experience, Cash Officer with BBA or B.com & 3 yrs experience, Office Assistant with B.A/B.com/BBA & 2 yrs experience, Personal Asst. to Principal B.A/B.com/BBA & 1 yr experience, Computer Operator with I.Sc/B.Sc/Graduate with Diploma in Computer Science & 2 yrs experience, Warden (lady) with B.Sc in Nursing & 3 yrs experience, Receptionist with BBA/B.Sc/B.Sc honors & 3 yrs experience, Laboratory Girl/Boy with I.Sc/B.Sc & 2 yrs experience, Store Keeper with I.Sc/B.Sc & 2 yrs experience and MLSS with SSC & personal guarantee.
Interested individuals are asked to send their applications with CV and other relevant papers to the mail address at islamhsarker@gmail.com within 25 days from the date of this advertisement (published on August 12).
This post was published on August 12, 2020 1:25 pm