Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF, a govt. organization), is currently involved in a project titled ‘Sustainable Enterprise Project’ funded by the World Bank. For several positions lying vacant under the project, applications from eligible and qualified individuals are sought.
The vacant posts are as follows with the specified salary attached to each post : 1. Program Officer (enterprise development-Textile and Fashion (No. of post-1, salary per month 90k); 2. Program Officer (enterprise development-Food Technology (No. of post-1, monthly salary 90k); 3. Program Officer (Enterprise development-Light Engineering (No. of post 1, salary per month 90k) and 4. Assistant Program Officer (Accounts and Finance (No. of post-1, salary a month 70k).
Interested persons are asked to forward their applications online by this February 9 at the below website :
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