নিচের যেটি কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের প্রাপ্ত পুরস্কার বা উপাধি নয় –উত্তর: মুক্তিযুদ্ধ সন্মাননা পদক
চর্যাপদের অধ্যাত্মভাবনা ও সাহিত্যিক উৎকর্ষের সর্বোত্তম সমন্বয় ঘটেছে যার মাধ্যমে –উত্তর: সমাজচিত্র
নিচের যেটি মধ্যযুগের সাহিত্যধারার অন্তর্ভুক্ত –উত্তর: পাঁচালি
বাংলা ভাষায় ব্যবহৃত ‘আলু’ প্রত্যয় যে রূপ থেকে বিবর্তিত হয়েছেউত্তর: আলুচ
নিচের যেটি বহুব্রীহি সমাসের দৃষ্টান্ত নয় –উত্তর: অনুতাপ
তােমাকে দিয়ে এ সমস্যার সমাধান হবে, তা আশা করা যায়নি। বাক্যটি যে বাসের উদাহরণউত্তর: ভাববাচ্য
পাঠের বর্জনকৃত অংশ নির্দেশে ব্যবহৃত হয় –উত্তর: () চিহ্ন
English Question Answer
The idiom ‘hit the sack’ means –উত্তর: to go to bed
Change into passive voice: ‘People believe he is a scholar.’উত্তর: He is believed to be a scholar
Chose appropriate word to join: `She was waiting for a taxi. She found car broken down.”উত্তর: when
The organization threw an epic dinner party yesterday. The bold faced word means …উত্তর:
Find the sentence that expresses a negative comment:উত্তর: Subho is so flakey
Auma did…. Better in the examination …… any of her classmates.উত্তর: rather,than
A lucrative career is not very easy to come……উত্তর: by
Parents should not pressurize kids. They must not choose friends for their kidsউত্তর: either
Health crisis_ antibiotic overdose is a burning issue.উত্তর: due to
Identify the word class of the bold faced word: The dark skies cleared and the sun shone dazzlingly.উত্তর:verb
Translate into English: বিশ্বব্যাপী করােনাভাইরাস বর্তমানে নিয়ন্ত্রণে এসেছে।উত্তর: At present , the Conrona virus has come under control in all over the wrold.
Choose the correct spellingউত্তর:Pedestrain
According to one of the most famous sonnets of Shakespeare,উত্তর: be more attractive than golden face
Haiku is a kind of উত্তর: poetry
Find the correct question tag: Let us discuss,উত্তর: shall we?
Which is an antonym of ‘fantasy?উত্তর: veracity
Find the figure of speech which is different from other optionsউত্তর: golden years
“One man in his time plays many parts.” is a quote of …..উত্তর: William Shakespare
A separate introductory section of a literary, dramatic, or musical work is called …..উত্তর: prologue
Make indirect: The boy told the shopkeeper, “Can you give me a candy please?”উত্তর: The boy requested the shopkeeper if he could give him a candy?
Math Question Answer
The largest prime factor of (2)2-1 isউত্তর: 17
Find the value of k if (x – 1) is a factor of 4x’ + 3×2 – 4x +k.উত্তর: -3
The sum of two numbers is 22 and the sum of their squares is 404.The product of two numbers isউত্তর: 40
If is an odd integer, which of the following must be an even integer?উত্তর:3t+1
One of the factors of x4+x2+1 is…উত্তর: x2-x+1
If x+1/x = 3 thenx-1/x=?উত্তর: √ 5
If log625 = 4, then x=?উত্তর: 5
If the rate of interest is 10% per annum and is compounded half yearly, the principal of Tk. 4000 in 3/2 years will amount toউত্তর: Tk. 4630.50
A tap can fill a tank in 6 hours. After half the tank is filled, another similar tap is opened. What is the total time taken to fill the tank completely?উত্তর:4h 30m
The LCM and HCF of two numbers are 90 and 15 respectively. If one number is 45, the other number is …উত্তর: 30
If 5% is gained by selling an article for Tk. 350 than selling it for Tk. 340, the cost of the article is –উত্তর: Tk. 200
If sec (x-30)= 23, tanx=?উত্তর: √ 3
A sum of money at simple interest amounts to TK 5600 in 2 years and Tk 6500 in 5 years at the rate of –উত্তর: 6%
When bent in the form of a circle a wire has a radius of 28 cm. If it is bent in the form of a square, what will be its area in cm?উত্তর:1936
What is the bargest number that divides 84,144 0 36 without any remainder?উত্তর: 12
The ratio of two numbers is 7:4.1f8 is added to both the numbers ratio becomes 13:8. What is the smaller number?উত্তর: 40
How many will you pass on the way when you count from 1 to 100?উত্তর:20
The total surface area of a hemisphere of radius is –উত্তর: 3πr2
A mixture of 20 kg of sprit and water contains 10% water. How much water must be added to mixture to raise the percentage of water to 25%?উত্তর: 4kg
The height of an equilateral triangle with a side 2 cm isউত্তর: √ 3cm
Which one of the following numbers can be removed from the set 5 = 10,2,4, 5,9) without changing the average of set S?উত্তর: 4
What is the unit digit in the product 84 x 59 x 13 x 76?উত্তর:8
The area of arrombus is 96 cm and the length of one of the diagonals is 16 cm The length of the other diagonal is উত্তর: 12
If1.sin = xcos0, then tan 0= ?উত্তর: (x2-1)/2x
What is the probability that an integer selected at random from those between 20 and 100 inclusive is a multiple of 15? উত্তর: 5/81
The area of a triangle with sides 3cm, 5 cm, 6 cm is –উত্তর: 2√ 14cm2
An electric pole casts a 3m long shadow on the ground at an elevation 60′, the height of the pole isউত্তর: 3m
The second and third term of a geometric series are 9 and 3 respectively The 6 term of the series is –উত্তর:1/9
The next number in the sequence 3,4,8, 17,33,… isউত্তর: 58
The inverse of f(x) = 2x – 1 isউত্তর: (x+1)/2
General Knowledge Question Answer
….. has set to build the largest banking network by providing financial services through digital post offices across the country. উত্তর: Bank Asia
The last international conference attended by Bangabandhu was..উত্তর: Commonwealth Conference
In COP26 summit, a stark message, “We are digging our own graves was sent by –উত্তর: Antonio Guterres
‘Kids Clips’, a children-friendly content is developed by ….উত্তর: Netflix
…..an suppress the informatory Cytokine Storm and plays a role in patient management….উত্তর: Vitamin D
The President of _will attend the Golden Jubilee Celebration of Bangladesh’s Victory Dayউত্তর: India
The Secret Documents of intelligence Branch on the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Vol.01 ends with the documents ofউত্তর: 1950
The formula of antiviral COVID19 oral medicine, ‘Molnupiravir will be shared with the developing countries by Bio Therapeutics and…উত্তর: Merck
The ‘Actuarial Science is associated with …..উত্তর: insurance
In the short-run, which of the following always gets smaller as output increases?উত্তর:Averaged fixed cost
The 2021 Nobel Prize for economic sciences has been awarded in one half to …উত্তর: David Card
Euro is the currency of_ countries of European Union.উত্তর: 19
In the Mujibnagar Government….. was one of the members of the ‘All Party Advisory Council.”উত্তর: Manoranjan Dhar
According to the NBA, the highest taxpayer 2021 in the Senior citizen category isউত্তর: Golam Dastagir Gazi
Recently the government has announced The President’s Award for Industrial Development 2019′ to recognize….companies.উত্তর: 19
BSEC has decided to form “Subarna Jayanti Fund’ under the patronage of….উত্তর: CMSF
The Archeology Department is working to declare…..as a preserved antiquity.উত্তর: Tomb of Pori Bibi 88…..won the first ever Silver Medal for Bangladesh in Asian Archery Mixed Event ….উত্তর: Diya & Rubel
Most of the tea plantation workers speak in…উত্তর: Kuki
Indian government has awarded ‘Padma Bhushan Award-2020 to the senior diplomat of Bangladesh…উত্তর: Syed Muazzem Ali
ICT Question Answer
The shortcut key for activating “Reference Tab’ উত্তর: Alt+S
……identifies a cell in MS-Excel. উত্তর: Adress
A microcomputer or minicomputer is the controller unit of … উত্তর: CNC
…. allow the user to automate frequently used formatting settings উত্তর: Macros
In MS-PowerPoint, the slide sorter view displays slides in উত্তর: thumbnail form
Computer Monitor is also known as …উত্তর: VDU
Which one is the result of the output given by a computer? উত্তর: Information
Which is not a type of scanner? উত্তর: Daisy -wheel
UBID is related to – উত্তর: E- commerce sector
The saved BIOS configuration data is stored at – উত্তর:CMOS
আপনার মতামত লিখুন :