HSC english assignment answer 10th week 2022 – Write an email

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HSC english assignment answer 10th week 2022 – Write an email

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HSC 10th week assignment 2022 – English 2nd paper

Assignment title : Write an email to the admission committee of Harvard University to obtain a full ride scholarship.

Write within 100-120 words, Follow the standard form email ,Avoid any irrelevant information, Show arguments in favors of your eligibility for the scholarship.

HSC 10th week English 2nd paper assignment answer 2022

From : nameabcd@gmail.com

To : harvarduniversityadmissions@gmail.com

Subject : Prayer for an admission committee of Harvard University to obtain a full ride scholarship

Dear sir, I am very interested in the full scholarship program of University available for undergraduate students. The scholarship is extremely important to me because I have very limited access to find as I am from a middle class family. I believe I should be awarded this scholarship because I believe in working indefatigably until the goal is obtained.

I think I have the right attitude which is extremely important. I am always willing to learn. The hunger to learn more is insatiable in me and I also think that this is perhaps my best quality.

Please send me the appropriate application forms, submission deadlines, and any other information necessary to completing a proper application for the full ride scholarship program.

I shall be thankful if you kindly look into my attached educational qualification and other documents :

1. SSC certificates 
2. SSC scholarship
3. HSC certificates 
4. HSC scholarship 
5. Passport documents 
6. Birth certificate/NID

In this regard please let me know if I have to submit any other document to fulfill your queries.

Your sincerely,

(NAME …)

============ Alternate answer ============

HSC english assignment answer 10th week 2022 - Write an email to the admission committee of Harvard University to obtain a full ride scholarship.

>> HSC Assignment Answer 2022 10th week (All subjects) : https://en.edudaily24.com/hsc-10th-week-assignment-2022-pdf-answers/

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