Internship Opportunity with Good Neighbors Bangladesh

Edu Daily 24 প্রকাশ: অক্টোবর ২, ২০২০, ৬:১৯ অপরাহ্ন / আপডেট: অগাস্ট ৩, ২০২৪, ২:৪১ পূর্বাহ্ন /
Internship Opportunity with Good Neighbors Bangladesh

Good Neighbors Bangladesh, an international humanitarian & developmental non-government organization, has opened new window for fresh graduates to do internship with them.

New graduates in the fields of Sociology, Development Studies, Anthropology, Economics, Social Works, Accountancy, Business Studies & International Relations are eligible to apply for the offer.

The duration of the internship offer will range between 6 to 12 months.

There is an age limit for prospective applicants which is below 28 years.

For further information, interested individuals are requested to visit the link at

Details on the internship opportunity are also available at

The deadline to apply for the internship is this October 17.



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