A company in Romania, an EU country offering 466.23 Euro minimum wage per month, is going to recruit some skilled workers from Bangladesh. Retired Army persons and their kith and kin will get preferences for the job.
Types of Workers : The types of workers to be recruited are the followings :
1. Plaster Board & Cardboard Mechanics (No. of posts 2) 2. Brick Layer (No. of posts 2, skilled in masonry works) 3. Tiles, Marble & Granite Fitting Mechanics (No of posts 3) 4. Electrical Technician (No. of Posts 3) 5. Pipe Fitting & Plumbing Technician (No. of Posts 3) 6. Civil (Diploma) Engineer (No. of Post 1).
Contact : Interested individuals are asked to urgently make contacts with the following address with Bio-data :
Trust Overseas Recruiting Agency (Tora),
Army Welfare Trust, Bangladesh Army, House-9/A, Road No-1 (4th Floor), Dhaka Cantonment.
Email Address : http://toraawtbd@gmail.com.
Facebook page : http://www.facebook.com/AWTTORA