SAU to Hold its First Convocation

Edu Daily 24 প্রকাশ: জুন ১১, ২০১৫, ৬:১২ অপরাহ্ন / আপডেট: অগাস্ট ৩, ২০২৪, ২:০৯ পূর্বাহ্ন / ৪৯
SAU to Hold its First Convocation

The first convocation of Sher-E-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) located in the capital will be held in November this year.

The decision was taken at the 58th meeting of the university academic council. A press release from the Department of Public Relations and Publication office said that. However, the release did not mention any specific date.

The Vice-Chancellor Professor M. Sadat Ulla said, invitation has been sent to the honorable President and Chancellor of the university Abdul Hamid to hold the convocation ceremony in November 2015.

I hope soon the President will send a letter of consent. We will announce the date later based on his given time. The Vice-Chancellor Professor Md. Sadat Ulla said, various aspects of the arrangement were discussed in the meeting in order to successfully organize the convocation ceremony.

Note that, since its establishment in 2001, students of this thirteen years old university still have not seen the face of convocation. An initiative was taken in 2011 and 2012 to hold the convocation, but it was not possible due to the change of the VC. That was postponed for an indefinite period due to the appointment of the new Vice-Chancellor.

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