SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process-2020

Edu Daily 24 প্রকাশ: জুন ৪, ২০২০, ১২:০৪ পূর্বাহ্ন / আপডেট: অগাস্ট ৩, ২০২৪, ২:২৫ পূর্বাহ্ন /
SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process-2020

SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process-2020 already started from 1st June. It will be available till 7th June 2020.

Examine who attended in SSC & equivalent exam in 2020, they can apply for result rescrutiny or board challenge

Here rules of SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process by sms :

SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process-2020
SSC result rescrutiny or board challenge application process-2020
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